San Diego Schuetzenguilde
25 November, 2012
Centerfire, any sights
Fred Nace, Schuetzenmeister

100 yds, 10 shots benchrest
Joe Feldman 249-9
Steve Adams 248-8
Eric Keel 242-4
Bruce Jones 241-5
John Thiele 241-2
Ron Welch 211

100 yds, 10 shots offhand
Ron Welch 197
Joe Feldman 192
Steve Adams 189 
John Thiele 183
Bruce Jones 171*
Eric Keel 163*

200 yds, 10 shots benchrest
Joe Feldman 249-9  
Steve Adams 247-7
Eric Keel 243-5 
Bruce Jones 241-4
John Thiele 227 
Ron Welch 222-3
Bob Roeder 221-1 

200 yds, 10 shots offhand
Ron Welch 209
John Thiele 207-1 
Steve Adams 198-1
Eric Keel 197* 
Joe Feldman 196  
Bruce Jones 188*
Bob Roeder 164
    *denotes iron sights

Match Aggregate Joe Feldman 886-18 Steve Adams 882-16 John Thiele 858-3 Eric Keel 845-9 Bruce Jones 844-9 Ron Welch 839-3

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