San Diego Schuetzenguilde

27 August, 2017, 100 yards
Centerfire, Iron Sights
The Schuetzenguilde shot for small groups and the Harold Nichols Trophy on 27 August, 2017. We had 12 competitors shooting with iron sights at 100 yards on a clear and warm day with light winds. Best 5-shot group was posted by Mr. Steve Adams, just over half an inch. The trophy, for the next year, goes to Mr. Russ Hooks, shooting a fine 393-1 for 20 shots offhand. Congratulations to both!
Best of 5, 5-shot groups
Steve Adams .576
Russ Hooks .769
Joe Feldman .778
Eric Keel .800
Bob Tyler 1.050
Bill Polkinhorn 1.050
Ron Welch 1.110
Kai Schumann 1.439
Jim Lennon 1.570
John Thiele 2.200
Randy Reed 2.790
John Riddle 3.088
20 Shots Offhand
Russ Hooks 393-1
Bill Polkinhorn 384-1
Kai Schumann 359-0
Jim Lennon 344-0
Steve Adams 342-0
John Thiele 341-0
Eric Keel 341-0
Ron Welch 323-0
Joe Feldman 313-0
John Riddle 309-0
Bob Tyler 399-1 (.22LR)

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