San Diego Schuetzenguilde

Club Benchrest Championship
50 shots at 200 yards.
27 May, 2018

The San Diego Schuetzenguilde held its annual Benchrest Championship match on the 27th of May, 2018 with eleven shooters competing under challenging conditions — nasty, switching winds with strong velocity changes and the wind flags going in one direction with the mirage running in the other. Shooting very consistently and holding the Club Trophy for the next year was Mr. Russ Hooks. Good shooting Russ!

Best 10 shot target
Bill Polkinhorn 244-4
Joe Feldman 242-4
Russ Hooks 239-4
Eric Keel 239-1
Randy Reed 238-4
Bob Tyler 238-3
John Thiele 238-3
Ron Welch 238-2
Bruce Jones 236-0
Steve Adams 233-1
Gary Boren no score

50 shots benchrest
Russ Hooks 1191-15
Eric Keel 1184-8
Bill Polkinhorn 1183-12
Joe Feldman 1179-16
Ron Welch 1171-7
Bob Tyler 1155-10
Bruce Jones 1152-7
Randy Reed 1147-7
Steve Adams 1125-1
John Thiele 1096-8
Gary Boren DNF

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