San Diego Schuetzenguilde

Centerfire / Iron sights
Sunday, August 26, 2018

The Schuetzenguilde shot for small groups and the Harold Nichols Trophy on 26 August, 2018. We had 13 competitors shooting for groups at 100 yards using centerfire rifles with iron sights. The weather at the start was cool and foggy but soon warmed up and was very pleasant. The second part of the match was 20 shots offhand, with the top score taking home the Harold Nichols Trophy. That trophy, for the next year, will stay with Mr. Russ Hooks, shooting a fine 393 with one center. Congratulations Russ!

Best three groups
Russ Hooks 0.868
Jim Lennon 1.211
Eric Keel 1.245
Steve Adams 1.277
Ron Welch 1.289
John Thiele 1.611
Jay Unruh 1.623
Bruce Jones 1.766
Bill Polkinhorn 1.778
Randy Reed 1.923
Jim Eggleston 2.430
Bob Tyler 2.924
Offhand Aggregate
Russ Hooks 393-1
Jim Lennon 377-2
Bill Polkinhorn 361-3
John Thiele 338-0
Steve Adams 336-0
Ron Welch 333-0
Gary Boren 332-0
Bruce Jones 329-0
Jay Unruh 318-0
Eric Keel 316-0

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