San Diego Schützenguilde

Centerfire, Anysight, 200 yards
24 March, 2019
The Schützenguilde convened for the March match on the 24th to shoot any sight center fire rifles at 200 yards. We had nice weather, but some tricky breezes to contend with. Russ Hooks won the bench rest match , and Steve Adams won the offhand match. Congratulations to both!

20 shots Benchrest
Russ Hooks 488-12
Steve Adams 485-8
Randy Reed 481-7
Eric Keel 480-6
Bruce Jones 480-6
Joe Feldman 474-6
John Thiele 465-3
20 shots Offhand
Steve Adams 392-3
Russ Hooks 391-0
John Thiele 374-1
Joe Feldman 354-0
Bruce Jones 335-0
Eric Keel 319-1
Match Aggregate
Russ Hooks 879-12
Steve Adams 877-11
John Thiele 839-4
Joe Feldman 828-6
Bruce Jones 815-6
Eric Keel 799-7

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