San Diego Schützenguilde

Centerfire, Iron Sights, 100 yards
August 25th
The Schuetzenguilde had 13 shooters competing in our "smallest group" match: 5 groups of five shots each, winners for the smallest single group and for an average of the three smallest groups.

This was followed by a 20 shot offhand match.

The winner of the Harold Nichols Trophy for best 20 shots offhand was Bill Polkinhorn with a fine 383. Good shooting, Bill!

Best of 5 — 5 shot groups
Bruce Jones .400
Bob Tyler .894
Jay Unruh 1.108
Russ Hooks 1.110
Steve Adams 1.128
John Thiele 1.144
Joe Feldman 1.153
Eric Keel 1.447
Randy Reed 1.496
Jim Lennon 1.602
Bill Polkinhorn 1.813
Ron Welsh 2.151
Gary Boren 2.336
Average of best 3 groups
John Thiele 1.19
Russ Hooks 1.28
Joe Feldman 1.46
Jay Unruh 1.51
Steve Adams 1.51
Bob Tyler 1.52
Bruce Jones 1.54
Eric Keel 1.61
Jim Lennon 1.67
Bill Polkinhorn 1.96
Randy Reed 1.98
Ron Welsh 3.01
Gary Boren 3.09
20 shots offhand
Bill Polkinhorn 383-0
Joe Feldman 375-1
John Thiele 374-1
Bob Tyler 360-0
Bruce Jones 350-0
Russ Hooks 348-0
Steve Adams 341-0
Gary Boren 317-0
Jim Lennon 311-1
Jay Unruh 274-0
Harold Nichols Trophy for Best 20 shots OH
Bill Polkinhorn 383-0

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