San Diego Schützenguilde

Iron Sights, 20 shots benchrest and 20 offhand, 200 yds,
September 22, 2019
The Schützenguilde met on September 22nd, with 14 members to shoot BR and OH at 200 yds with iron sights and center fire rifles. The weather was very pleasant, bright and sunny, with some wind gusts later on. The Tom Nichols trophy for the best 10 shot offhand target was won by Al Sledge with a nice score of 199-0. Good shooting Al!

Following the match was a pot-luck picnic at the club house, which was enjoyed by all. Good food and great company with some nice and varied "show and tellā pieces. Lots of fun! We would like to thank Ms. Linda for setting us up with the tables and chairs. It is much appreciated!

20 shots bench rest
Bob Tyler 484-8 *
Joe Feldman 479-6
Al Sledge 473-5
Steve Adams 471-8
Russ Hooks 467-5
Eric Keel 466-4
Ron Welsh 451-1
John Thiele 450-3
Bruce Jones 448-1
Jim Lennon 434-1
Gary Boren 428-1
Sawyer Unruh 411-0 #
20 shots offhand
Russ Hooks 380-1
Steve Adams 372-1
Bruce Jones 364-0
Al Sledge 364-0
Jay Unruh 363-0
Jim Lennon 361-1
Gary Boren 359-1
Eric Keel 357-0
John Thiele 353-0
Joe Feldman 330-1
Sawyer Unruh 293-1 #
Match Aggregate
Steve Adams 843-9
Russ Hooks 843-6
Al Sledge 837-5
Eric Keel 823-4
Bruce Jones 812-1
Joe Feldman 809-7
John Thiele 803-3
Jim Lennon 795-2
Gary Boren 787-2
Sawyer Unruh 704-1 #
Tom Nichols Trophy
Best 10 shots Off-hand
Al Sledge 199-0

* denotes use of scope
# denotes junior shooter

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