San Diego Schuetzenguilde

November 26, 2023
Dulzura Format:
10 shots benchrest
10 shots offhand
at 100 and 200 yards respectively.

Joe wasn't at the match so we don't have his usual
elucidation of the match weather and conditions.

Conclusions can be drawn from the scores.

10 shots Benchrest, 200 yds
Eric Keel 237-4
Bruce Jones 229-0
John Thiele 226-0
Bill Polkinhorn 224-0
Jay Unruh 224-0
10 shots Offhand, 200 yds
John Thiele 192-0
Bill Polkinhorn 159-0
200 yard Aggregate
John Thiele 418-0
Bill Polkinhorn 383-0
10 shots Benchrest, 100 yds
Bruce Jones 238-0
Eric Keel 233-2
John Thiele 221-2
Bill Polkinhorn 225-2
Jay Unruh 223-1
10 shots Offhand, 100 yds
John Thiele 167-0
Bill Polkinhorn 163-0
100 yard Aggregate
John Thiele 388-2
Bill Polkinhorn 388-2
BR Aggregate
Eric Keel 470-6
Bruce Jones 467-0
Bill Polkinhorn 449-2
John Thiele 447-2
Jay Unruh 447-1
OH Aggregate
John Thiele 359-0
Bill Polkinhorn 322-0
Grand Aggregate
John Thiele 806-2
Bill Polkinhorn 771-2
* = Iron Sights

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