San Diego Schuetzenguilde 22 January, 2012 .22 RF, any sights, 100 yards 10 shots Benchrest Al Sledge 248-8 Russ Hooks 247-8 Eric Keel 246-7 Howard Markham 246-6 John Thiele 245-7 Joe Feldman 244-5 Scott Saunders 243-4 Bruce Jones 227-1* 50 shots Benchrest Al Sledge 1224-28 Russ Hooks 1222-26 Eric Keel 1221-30 Howard Markham 1209-18 John Thiele 1199-15 Joe Feldman 1198-19 Scott Saunders 1184-13 Bruce Jones 1074-3* 10 shots Offhand Scott Saunders 223-1 Russ Hooks 215-2 Al Sledge 210-1 Joe Feldman 209-0 Eric Keel 190-0 Bruce Jones 174-0* John Thiele 173-0 50 shots Offhand Russ Hooks 1045-4 Joe Feldman 1005-4 Al Sledge 983-3 Scott Saunders 964-1 Bruce Jones 876-0* Eric Keel 854-0 John Thiele 810-0 Match Aggregate Russ Hooks 2267-30 Al Sledge 2207-31 Joe Feldman 2203-23 Eric Keel 2185-30 Scott Saunders 2148-14 John Thiele 2009-15 Bruce Jones 1850-3* *iron sightsReturn to Scores
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