San Diego Schuetzenguilde 26 August, 2012 Centerfire rifle, Iron Sights, 100 yards 5 shot group (best of 5) Al Sledge .488 Eric Keel .670 Bruce Jones .785 Russ Hooks .925 Jim Lennon .996 Joe Feldman 1.169 Ron Welch 1.204 Steve Adams 1.496 Bob Roeder 1.685 John Thiele 2.015 Fred Nace 3.775 20 shots Offhand Al Sledge 420-0* Eric Keel 393-1 Russ Hooks 392-2 Ron Welch 387-1 Joe Feldman 363-0 Jim Lennon 340-0 John Thiele 339-0 Steve Adams 337-2 Bruce Jones 336-0 *Harold Nichols TrophyReturn to Scores
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