San Diego Schuetzenguilde
Iron Sights, Fixed Ammo, .40 Cal and larger
22 June, 2014 The Schuezenguilde's .40 cal and over match with fixed ammo and iron sights was attended by 8 shooters under very pleasant but tricky conditions. The Col. Stodter Trophy, for the 200 yard aggregate was won this year by the Schuetzenmeister, Russ Hooks. Congratulations Russ, good shooting!

20 shots benchrest @200 yards
Eric Keel 466-3 .45 cal
Joe Feldman 460-1 .40 cal
Russ Hooks 450-0 .40 cal
Al Sledge 437-0 .45 cal
Randy Reed 421-0 .45 cal
*Bob Tyler 461-2 .33 cal
*John Thiele 454-2 .38 cal
*Ron Welch no score .22RF

20 shots offhand @200 yards
Russ Hooks 371-2 .40 cal
Al Sledge 361-0 .45 cal
Joe Feldman 349-1 .40 cal
Eric Keel 466-3 .45 cal
*John Thiele 283-1 .38 cal

200 yard Aggregate for the Colonel Stodter Trophy
Russ Hooks 821-2 .40 cal
Joe Feldman 809-2 .40 cal
Eric Keel 802-4 .45 cal
Al Sledge 798-0 .45 cal
*John Thiele 737-3 .38 cal

Best 10 of 13 shots BR @300 yards
Joe Feldman 97-3x .40 cal
Russ Hooks 97-1x .40 cal
Al Sledge 94-1x .45 cal
Randy Reed 94-1x .45 cal
Eric Keel 87-1x .45 cal

* Denotes shooter with a "small bore" rifle.

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