San Diego Schuetzenguilde

March 22, 2015
Centerfire, Any Sight, 200 yards, 20 shots benchrest, 20 shots offhand
It was a cool morning with some tricky winds switching from 11 o'clock to 1 o'clock. Match winner with some great offhand scores was Mr. Ron Welch. Congratulations Ron!
20 Shots Benchrest
Jim Lennon 484-9
Joe Feldman 482-6
Steve Adams 480-7
Ron Welsh 476-4
Bruce Jones 473-6
Fred Nace 471-3
Eric Keel 467-1
John Thiele 459-1
20 Shots Offhand
Ron Welsh 432-2
Steve Adams 390-2
Joe Feldman 384-0
Jim Lennon 365-1
John Thiele 317-0
Match Aggregate
Ron Welsh 908-6
Steve Adams 870-9
Joe Feldman 866-6
Jim Lennon 849-10
John Thiele 776-1

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