Schuetzen Match for March 2017
San Diego Schuetzenguilde
March 26, 2017
Centerfire, Any Sight, 200 yards
The Schuetzenguilde had 14 shooters competing on 26 March 2017 at 200 yards using centerfire rifles and any sights. The weather was overcast and cool, about 55 degrees, and quite calm. It was a very nice morning with good conditions for shooting plain based lead bullets. Match winner was the Schützenmeister, Mr. Russ Hooks, who was just unbeatable this day! Congratulations Russ!
20 shots Benchrest
Russ Hooks 494-14
Bob Tyler 490-10
Eric Keel 487-10
Bill Polkinhorn 487-9
Joe Feldman 487-9
Dave Darr 485-8
Barry Darr 483-9
Steve Adams 482-7
Ron Welsh 480-7
Fred Nace 478-7
Bruce Jones 475-4
Kai Schumann 459-2
John Thiele 455-2
Randy Reed DNF20 shots Offhand
Russ Hooks 414-2
Bill Polkinhorn 408-0
Ron Welsh 405-0
Eric Keel* 372-0
Joe Feldman 366-1
Bruce Jones* 358-0
John Thiele 355-0
Steve Adams 336-0
Kai Schumann 336-0Match Aggregate
Russ Hooks 908-16
Bill Polkinhorn 895-9
Ron Welsh 885-7
Eric Keel 859-10
Joe Feldman 853-10
Bruce Jones 833-4
Steve Adams 818-7
John Thiele 810-2
Kai Schumann 795-2* = denotes iron sights
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