San Diego Schuetzenguilde

ISSA Regional Match
20 - 22 April, 2018
The Schuetzenguilde held its annual ISSA Regional Match over the three days of April 20, 21 and 22, 2018, with some pretty good conditions as well as some gusty and switching winds. We had a very safe and enjoyable match, with both .22RF and centerfire matches, King targets, quarterbore matches and a "Quart of Bud" match - a string measure match at 200 yards from the bench.

The winner of the Championship Matches was Mr. Steve Adams, who showed well in all of the matches. Congratulations Steve!

Many thanks to our Schuetzenmeister, Mr. Russ Hooks, for putting on a great match, and thanks also to all who pitched in to help out. It was much appreciated.

Centerfire Matches / 20 shots at 200 yds
Iron Sight Matches
Any Sight Matches
Eric Keel 470-2
Joe Feldman 469-3
Ron Welch 468-3
Steve Adams 466-5
Bob Tyler 465-2
Bill Polkinhorn 457-1
Bruce Jones 455-1
Kai Schumann 408-0
John Thiele 396-1
Steve Adams 384-0
Ron Welch 355-0
Bruce Jones 353-0
Bill Polkinhorn 350-0
Joe Feldman 345-0
Eric Keel 332-0
Kai Schumann 320-0
John Thiele 287-0
Bill Polkinhorn 482-7
Joe Feldman 481-6
Steve Adams 479-5
Bob Tyler 475-5
Eric Keel 474-5
Ron Welch 471-1
Bruce Jones 468-4
Curren Unruh 464-2
Fred Nace 462-3
John Thiele 459-2
Kai Schumann 431-1
Jay Unruh 395-1
Don Gregory 354-0 DNF
Ron Welch 374-1
John Thiele 373-1
Steve Adams 369-0
Bill Polkinhorn 358-0
Joe Feldman 356-0
Eric Keel 349-1
Kai Schumann 341-0

Standing Rest
Fred Nace 379-0 *

Centerfire Aggregate
Steve Adams 1698-9
Ron Welch 1668-5
Joe Feldman 1651-9
Bill Polkinhorn 1647-8
Eric Keel 1625-8
John Thiele 1515-4

.22 RF Matches / Any Sight / 20 shots at 100 yds
Bill Polkinhorn 488-9
Steve Adams 485-10
John Thiele 483-8
Eric Keel 482-9
Joe Feldman 481-7
Ron Welch 479-8
Scott Saunders 479-6
Robert Rez 476-5
Bruce Jones 473-4
Bob Tyler 472-4
Kai Schumann 440-1
Don Gregory 388-1
Bill Polkinhorn 397-2
Joe Feldman 387-2
Eric Keel 375-0
Steve Adams 365-0
Kai Schumann 365-0
Scott Saunders 364-0
John Thiele 357-0
Bob Tyler 346-0
Ron Welch 339-1
Bruce Jones 339-0

Standing Rest
Fred Nace 378-1
Robert Rez 378-0

.22RF Aggregate
Bill Polkinhorn 885-11
Joe Feldman 868-7
Eric Keel 857-9
Steve Adams 850-10
Scott Saunders 843-6
John Thiele 840-8
Bob Tyler 818-4
Bruce Jones 812-4
Kai Schumann 805-1
Ron Welch 718-9

Standing Rest
Fred Nace 867-12
Robert Rez 854-5

Centerfire King Target
Ron Welch
Rimfire King Target
Bill Polkinhorn
Quarterbore Any Sights
20 shots BR / 200yards
Eric Keel 448-1
Bill Polkinhorn 373-0
String Measure Match
10 shots, BR CF, 200 Yds

Joe Feldman 7.8125"
Bob Tyler 8.5"
Eric Keel 10.3125"
Bruce Jones 12.125"
Kai Schumann 12.5625"
Scott Saunders 13.625"
Curren Unruh 13.875"
Bill Polkinhorn 14.4375"
Fred Nace 15.6875"
Ron Welch 16.125"
John Thiele 19.875"
Jay Unruh 42.1875"

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