San Diego Schützenguilde10-ring target at 100 yards23 December, 2018 |
The Schuetzenguilde met on 23 December 2018, with 11 shooters, for the annual blanket shoot: 20 shots at 100 yards on the old 10-ring target from the bench, and then 20 shots offhand at the same. We had very nice weather, cool with switchy breezes, but overall good shooting conditions. There were many nice prizes on the blanket, and everyone got to pick out a couple. Lots of fun! Jay Unruh only had one shot out of the 10 ring for the top benchrest score! Very nice shooting Jay! |
20 shots Benchrest
Jay Unruh .32 cal 199-6x Steve Adams 22RF 195-9x Eric Keel 22RF 195-7x Russ Hooks .40 cal 194-4x Randy Reed 22RF pistol 193-7x Fred Nace 22RF 192-7 Bruce Jones 8.15 cal 192-2x Joe Feldman .40 cal 192-1x Ron Welch 22RF 191-4x Kai Schumann .32 cal 177-1 John Thiele 8.15 cal 157-1 |
20 shots Offhand
Fred Nace 22RF 165-0x* Steve Adams 22RF 158-0x Joe Feldman .40 cal 144-1x Russ Hooks .40 cal 142-1x John Thiele 8.15 cal 129-0x Jay Unruh .32 cal 127-0x Kai Schumann .32 cal 117-0x Eric Keel 22RF 100-0x |
Match Aggregate
Fred Nace 22RF 357-7x* Steve Adams 22RF 353-9x Russ Hooks .40 cal 336-5x Joe Feldman .40 cal 336-2x Jay Unruh .32 cal 326-6x John Thiele 8.15 cal 286-1x Kai Schumann .32 cal 234-1x Eric Keel 22RF 295-7x |
* offhand standing rest
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