San Diego Schützenguilde

German Rifle Match
22 December, 2019

Centerfire, Iron Sights, 20 shots, benchrest and 20 shots off-hand, at 100 yards on the 10-ring target (A25)

We had cool weather to start with but it warmed up nicely by noon. There was very little wind, so good shooting conditions. There were many nice prizes on the blanket, and everyone got to pick out a couple.

There were quite a few German rifles on the line this year.

20 shots bench rest
Ron Welch 198-15x *
Russ Hooks 189-2x
Jay Unruh 188-6x
Joe Feldman 181-2x
Jim Eggleston 174-1x
John Thiele 164-0x
20 shots Offhand
Ron Welch 165-2x *
Russ Hooks 164-2x
Bruce Jones 127-1x
John Thiele 123-0x
Joe Feldman 110-0x
Jay Unruh 1107-0x
Match Aggregate
Ron Welch 363-17x *
Russ Hooks 353-4x
Jay Unruh 295-6x
Joe Feldman 291-2x
John Thiele 287-0x

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