San Diego Schuetzenguilde

August 23, 2020
Centerfire - 200 yards
Harold Nichols Trophy Match
Smallest group match: 5 groups of five shots each, winners for the smallest single group and for an average of the three smallest groups.

Followed by 20 shots off-hand

Seven shooters competed in the late afternoon match, well spaced out down the line. Quite windy, but then it is Dulzura, which accounted for some of the wide bench group sizes.

Five Shot Group Match
Smallest group / 3 group average
Eric Keel .780 / 1.032
John Thiele .863 / 1.304
Russ Hooks 1.012 / 1.435
Bill Polkinhorn 1.206 / 1.451
Bruce Jones 1.670 / 2.249
Jay Unruh 2.016 / 2.929
Curran Unruh 2.273 / 3.764
20 Shots Offhand
Russ Hooks 380 - 0
John Thiele 368 - 0
Bill Polkinhorn 361 - 0
Bruce Jones 351 -2

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