San Diego Schuetzenguilde

27 February 2022
CF, IS, 200 yards
We had a cool morning with light breezes for our February match and welcomed back Mr. Calvin whom we hadn't seen in two years or so! Good to see you again Ray! We'll shoot the same course of fire next month (4th Sunday) but with any sights instead of iron sights. Hope to see everyone there!
20 shots benchrest
Joe Feldman 472-2
Eric Keel 460-3
John Thiele 455-1
Bill Polkinhorn 446-1
Ray Calvin 295-1
20 shots offhand
John Thiele 375-0
Joe Feldman 375-0
Bill Polkinhorn 334-0
Match Aggregate
Joe Feldman 847-2
John Thiele 821-1
Bill Polkinhorn 780-1
Eric Keel 460-3
Ray Calvin 295-1

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